Distances between towns and trip planner

Map of Hlohovec and distances between towns

Satellite Map and distances between major towns for Hlohovec. Browse the map and find the distance Hlohovec - nearby towns. To obtain the exact distance between the place Hlohovec and other destinations, type the location name in the fields below. To check the weather forecast for Hlohovec or the trip planner select the icon on the right side.

The most common searches related to Hlohovec are listed below the map.

Distance between Hlohovec and Bratislava (71.18Km by road, 60.26Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Michalovce
Distance between Hlohovec and Nove Zamky (84.93Km by road, 56.36Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Povážská Bystrica
Distance between Hlohovec and Zvolen (134.54Km by road, 99.15Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Prievidza (121.95Km by road, 71.38Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Poprad (271.25Km by road, 196.39Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Trencin (69.95Km by road, 54.64Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Martin (168.79Km by road, 108.56Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Kosice (339.62Km by road, 256.75Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Presov (346.57Km by road, 260.44Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Nitra (28.52Km by road, 24.91Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Zilina (140.08Km by road, 111.95Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Banská Bystrica (153.41Km by road, 104.87Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Trnava (19.21Km by road, 16.59Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Žiar nad Hronom

Distance between Hlohovec and Dolný Kubín
Distance between Hlohovec and Nove Mesto nad Vahom
Distance between Hlohovec and Banovce
Distance between Hlohovec and Pezinok
Distance between Hlohovec and Kezmarok
Distance between Hlohovec and Senica
Distance between Hlohovec and Rožňava
Distance between Hlohovec and Puchov (104.66Km by road, 86.63Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Handlová
Distance between Hlohovec and Malacky
Distance between Hlohovec and Sered
Distance between Hlohovec and Kysucke Nove Mesto
Distance between Hlohovec and Galanta
Distance between Hlohovec and Stara Lubovna
Distance between Hlohovec and Zlate Moravce (60.66Km by road, 44.52Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Detva
Distance between Hlohovec and Snina
Distance between Hlohovec and Trebisov
Distance between Hlohovec and Levice
Distance between Hlohovec and Komárno
Distance between Hlohovec and Humenne
Distance between Hlohovec and Bardejov (386.88Km by road, 272.08Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Liptovský Mikuláš
Distance between Hlohovec and Ružomberok
Distance between Hlohovec and Piešťany (28.75Km by road, 18.63Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Lucenec (189.49Km by road, 138.42Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Čadca
Distance between Hlohovec and Dubnica nad Váhom
Distance between Hlohovec and Rimavská Sobota
Distance between Hlohovec and Partizanske
Distance between Hlohovec and Sal'a
Distance between Hlohovec and Dunajská Streda (73.27Km by road, 50.59Km by air)
Distance between Hlohovec and Vranov
Distance between Hlohovec and Brezno