Distances between towns and trip planner

Map of Murupara and distances between towns

Satellite Map and distances between major towns for Murupara. Browse the map and find the distance Murupara - nearby towns. To obtain the exact distance between the place Murupara and other destinations, type the location name in the fields below. To check the weather forecast for Murupara or the trip planner select the icon on the right side.

The most common searches related to Murupara are listed below the map.

Top must see things in Murupara
Distance between Murupara and Auckland(Auckland) (288.74Km by road, 247.59Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Lower Hutt
Distance between Murupara and Tauranga(Bay of Plenty) (123.68Km by road, 97.86Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Dunedin(Otago)
Distance between Murupara and Hamilton(Waikato) (166.79Km by road, 145.26Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Waitakere(Auckland)
Distance between Murupara and North Shore(Auckland) (296.99Km by road, 253.05Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Manukau City(Auckland) (269.00Km by road, 229.14Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Christchurch(Canterbury)
Distance between Murupara and Wellington(Wellington) (449.48Km by road, 355.10Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Greymouth(West Coast)

Distance between Murupara and Kaiapoi(Canterbury)
Distance between Murupara and Queenstown(Otago)
Distance between Murupara and Takanini(Auckland)
Distance between Murupara and Hawera(Taranaki)
Distance between Murupara and Gore(Southland)
Distance between Murupara and Oamaru(Otago)
Distance between Murupara and Richmond
Distance between Murupara and Waiuku(Waikato)
Distance between Murupara and Motueka
Distance between Murupara and Thames (214.70Km by road, 178.93Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Foxton
Distance between Murupara and Ngaruawahia(Auckland)
Distance between Murupara and Kerikeri
Distance between Murupara and Otaki(Wellington)
Distance between Murupara and Waitangi
Distance between Murupara and Matamata(Auckland)
Distance between Murupara and Waitara
Distance between Murupara and Kawerau (70.51Km by road, 41.67Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Tokoroa
Distance between Murupara and Cambridge(Waikato)
Distance between Murupara and Whakatane (78.89Km by road, 61.72Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Invercargill(Southland)
Distance between Murupara and New Plymouth(Taranaki)
Distance between Murupara and Whangarei(Whangarei)
Distance between Murupara and Porirua
Distance between Murupara and Napier(Hawkes Bay) (231.41Km by road, 116.53Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Nelson(Nelson)
Distance between Murupara and Hastings(Hawkes Bay) (247.13Km by road, 132.22Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Rotorua(Bay of Plenty) (62.87Km by road, 53.30Km by air)
Distance between Murupara and Wanganui(Wanganui)
Distance between Murupara and Upper Hutt(Wellington)
Distance between Murupara and Levin
Distance between Murupara and Masterton(Wellington)
Distance between Murupara and Pukekohe East
Distance between Murupara and Taupo(Waikato)
Distance between Murupara and Paraparaumu
Distance between Murupara and Blenheim(Marlborough)
Distance between Murupara and Timaru(Canterbury)
Distance between Murupara and Gisborne(Gisborne)