Distances between towns and trip planner

Map of Exeter and distances between towns

Satellite Map and distances between major towns for Exeter. Browse the map and find the distance Exeter - nearby towns. To obtain the exact distance between the place Exeter and other destinations, type the location name in the fields below. To check the weather forecast for Exeter or the trip planner select the icon on the right side.

The most common searches related to Exeter are listed below the map.

What to do and see in Exeter
Distance between Exeter and London (322.24Km by road, 254.35Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Edinburgh (722.43Km by road, 583.19Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Coventry (296.31Km by road, 233.98Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Bradford (460.37Km by road, 363.28Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Leeds (455.69Km by road, 368.84Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Cardiff (182.65Km by road, 88.50Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Kingston upon Hull (487.09Km by road, 401.25Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Manchester (387.72Km by road, 319.65Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Bristol (134.35Km by road, 105.31Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Sheffield (411.39Km by road, 328.33Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Liverpool (411.11Km by road, 301.73Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Birmingham (1976.15Km by road, 1614.72Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Glasgow (719.42Km by road, 574.81Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Belfast
Distance between Exeter and Leicester (329.13Km by road, 270.01Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Blackburn

Distance between Exeter and Watford
Distance between Exeter and Saint Helens
Distance between Exeter and Basildon
Distance between Exeter and Gillingham
Distance between Exeter and Rotherham
Distance between Exeter and Newport (157.41Km by road, 103.39Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Eastbourne
Distance between Exeter and Chelmsford
Distance between Exeter and Cheltenham
Distance between Exeter and Oldham
Distance between Exeter and Colchester (437.89Km by road, 334.66Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Crawley
Distance between Exeter and Sutton Coldfield
Distance between Exeter and Southend-on-Sea
Distance between Exeter and Peterborough
Distance between Exeter and Bolton (409.76Km by road, 327.03Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Aberdeen (933.69Km by road, 722.08Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Preston
Distance between Exeter and Newcastle upon Tyne
Distance between Exeter and Luton
Distance between Exeter and Portsmouth (214.07Km by road, 172.56Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Derby
Distance between Exeter and Reading
Distance between Exeter and Southampton (176.18Km by road, 151.28Km by air)
Distance between Exeter and Sunderland
Distance between Exeter and Swindon
Distance between Exeter and Middlesbrough
Distance between Exeter and Blackpool
Distance between Exeter and Ipswich
Distance between Exeter and York
Distance between Exeter and Huddersfield
Distance between Exeter and Poole
Distance between Exeter and Dundee
Distance between Exeter and Oxford (249.42Km by road, 195.97Km by air)