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Must do and see in Sainte-genevieve-des-bois

Sainte-genevieve-des-bois is located in the area south of Paris and it borders with Paris suburbs. It belongs to the Essonne depratment in the Ille-de-France region. It has a population of approximately thirty five thousand people. This town is only fourteen and half miles distant from center of Paris and it has its own railway station that is connecting it with all the other parts of Paris. This makes this town a good place to stay if you want to find a quite and cheap place during your visit to Paris. This town also has its own tourist values so it can be a good destination for some short excursion if you find yourself in this area.

1. Donjon


Donjon is the remarkable castle in this area. This castle was the dungeon in the medieval times. It is the remaining part of a feudal manor that belonged to the church. In 1628, it was abandoned for a Renaissance castle that was built nearby.

3. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois Russian Cemetery

Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois Russian Cemetery

Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois Russian Cemetery is located in this town. This cemetery was established at the end of the XIXth century by the Russian princess Vera Meshchersky. She first built the retirement home nearby, for Russian immigrants. This is the biggest Russian graveyard in this part of Europe. It is estimated that there are between ten and fifteen thousand of Russian graves here. The monuments and mosaics on the graves are very impressive.

2. Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois zoo

Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois zoo

This town has a very nice and well equipped zoo that will be interesting not only for the children but for the adults too. They are located in the very interested area and they have many wild spieces.

4. Notre-Dame-de-la-Dormition


On the nearby bank of river Orge is the beautiful park with a great nature and landscapes. If you are an architecture fun, in Sainte-genevieve-des-bois you should also visit Notre-Dame-de-la-Dormition and old school hall.This town is a center of large agriculture area in this part of France. It is a great mixture of tradition and modern architecture. You can find a modern business center next to some old quarters. It also has several other parks.

This town is also well known by its rich social lives. They are organizing many annual events during the whole year, so if you are planning to visit this town it would be wise to check the schedule of these events. Events are held during not only in the summer and spring, but also winter and fall.

Related content: Map of Sainte-genevieve-des-bois