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What to see in Memmingen

Memmingen is a city in the German state of Bavaria. The position of the municipality is at altitude of over six hundred meters with an area of over seventy square kilometers. It has so many things to visit and do. You just have to decide what suits you the best. Here is our list of most popular sites to visit. If you think this is not right choice for you, there are plenty other spots to explore. This is just a tip of an ice berg.

1. St. Martin church

St. Martin church

St. Martin church is a place where you can lister organ concerts, very famous concerts in this part of Germany. It regularly hosts concerts and musical performances. This church has extraordinary surroundings and you can walk around it all day long. If you are into organ music, don't miss organ concert, it is event of a lifetime.

3. Movie Theatre

Movie Theatre

Memmingen has nice movie theater which is opened in the fifties. You can watch movies all day long, but it is not recommended because there are numerous attractions to explore in Memmingen. Seats are comfortable, and you will feel very cosy while you watch some of latest blockbusters from Hollywood. Everyone love movies, so why don't you visit it too? Choose movie you like and enjoy with your loved one or your family.

5. The Antonine Museum

The Antonine Museum

The Antonine Museum is a museum devoted to the history of Memmingen. It is established eighteen years ago. It has displays of Antonine Order. It has nice collection which can not be seen anywhere else but here. Museum is mostly visited by elderly, but many young people want to know and learn more about Antonine order too.

2. Kaminwerk


There are numerous bars, wine restaurants and cafes in Memmingen. Night life is also rich. Kaminwerk is one of many popular places where you can go out. It is open for concerts, cinema and event party events.

4. The State Theatre

The State Theatre

The State Theatre is famous Memmingen ensemble which is supported by a special association, which consists of a consortium of over twenty cities, towns and districts. It has guest appearances and it hold cultural events throughout whole Germany and Austria. It is great event to visit if you want to see how German artists express their acting skills.

Town has over forty thousand citizens. It is great place to visit and explore. It is important educational center of Swabia region. It is fifth biggest city in Bavaria.

Related content: Map of Memmingen