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Things to see in Falkensee

Falkensee is a residential community by a lake in the Brandenburg area of Germany. It is near the west to the capital city of Berlin. This city has interesting past. Nazi administration was located in it. Falkensee was the site of notorious imprisonment. Almost three thousand people were imprisoned here. In 1675, the town was destroyed completely. But, slowly - town was reborn again. Things to see in Falkensee are:

1. Concentration camp

Concentration camp

Imprisonment at Falkensee was one of the biggest camps of Sachsenhausen. It was on a region of over fifteen hectares. The camp was initially formed before First world war. It was being used from 1943 to 1945 when the Soviet powers arrived. It housed somewhere around two and a half thousand people from all over Europe. The conditions were brutal. The majority of the structures were devastated after the war and the territory was now touristic area.

3. House at the Meadow

House at the Meadow

House at the Meadow is amazing structure. This old building once housed Falkensee's school. Today it serves as a social habitat for children and adolescents. This building is surrounded with perfect nature beauty - trees, oaks and meadows can be seen all around this place. Don't miss it by any chance.

2. Falkensee Museum

Falkensee Museum

In the Falkensee Museum, there is a display of various vegetation of the stream Havel. You can see how life progressed in this part of Germany. A contemporary art shows are available too. There is children show for smallest ones. Bring your friends and family and enjoy an hour or two in this amazing history time travel.

4. Finkenkruger Church

Finkenkruger Church

The Finkenkruger Church is a congregation of the Evangelical church of Neufinkenkrug, which was manufactured by modeler Robert Wilsdorf in 1926. The congregation is placed in the Neufinkenkrug area and has true religious atmosphere. It is located in the east area of town and it far away from urban noise and crowd.

If you haven't been to Falkensee before, this is a chance to do it. You will see and learn so many new things that you didn't see before. There are shops, markets, bars and restaurants where you can relax, eat and grab a drink or two.

Related content: Map of Falkensee