1. The City Theater

Visit City Theater next to an Old City Hall. It has a striking popularity and it is biggest theater here and home of the Bielefeld Opera. It contains a column of restored sixteenth and seventeenth century townhouses with imperative late Gothic style exteriors.
3. Neustädter Marienkirche

The biggest church is the Neustädter Marienkirche, a Gothic corridor church 171 ft long. This building is thought to be the most valuable building here. It was built at beginning stage of the Protestant Reformation. It has large stone with 13 pictures, known as the Marienaltar. The rococo towers were obliterated in World War II.
5. Sparrenberg Castle

Sparrenberg Castle is a restored stronghold in the Bielefeld-Mitte region with slope 180 meters high over the downtown area. It is a place where you can get a piece of mind.
2. Altstädter Nicolaikirche

Altstädter Nicolaikirche is well known church. It is a Gothic corridor church with a stature of 80 meters. It was established in 1236 by the Bishop of Paderborn, and broadened at the start of the fourteenth century. The congregation was harmed in World War II. The most significant fortune of this congregation is a cut holy place from Antwerp.
4. Bielefeld University

Bielefeld University is a college in Bielefeld established in 1969, and it is one of the nation's modern colleges. College is a great place for young people and all those who are interested in college life.
The authentic focus of the city is arranged north of the Teutoburg Forest.Bielefeld is home to countless working organizations, including Dr. Oetker, so make sure you visit it too.
Related content: Map of Bielefeld