Distances between towns and trip planner

Map of Hildesheim and distances between towns

Satellite Map and distances between major towns for Hildesheim. Browse the map and find the distance Hildesheim - nearby towns. To obtain the exact distance between the place Hildesheim and other destinations, type the location name in the fields below. To check the weather forecast for Hildesheim or the trip planner select the icon on the right side.

The most common searches related to Hildesheim are listed below the map.

Things to do in Hildesheim
Distance between Hildesheim and Berlin (283.09Km by road, 237.77Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Dresden (340.83Km by road, 287.62Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Leipzig (237.04Km by road, 188.37Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Nürnberg
Distance between Hildesheim and Duisburg (310.56Km by road, 234.17Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Hannover (34.91Km by road, 29.03Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Bremen
Distance between Hildesheim and Essen
Distance between Hildesheim and Düsseldorf (321.77Km by road, 242.75Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Hamburg (181.33Km by road, 156.99Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and München
Distance between Hildesheim and Köln (339.50Km by road, 247.46Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Frankfurt
Distance between Hildesheim and Dortmund
Distance between Hildesheim and Stuttgart
Distance between Hildesheim and Mainz

Distance between Hildesheim and Kassel (135.88Km by road, 99.37Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Erfurt
Distance between Hildesheim and Rostock
Distance between Hildesheim and Hagen
Distance between Hildesheim and Lübeck
Distance between Hildesheim and Freiburg
Distance between Hildesheim and Hamm
Distance between Hildesheim and Saarbrücken
Distance between Hildesheim and Herne
Distance between Hildesheim and Mülheim
Distance between Hildesheim and Osnabrück
Distance between Hildesheim and Solingen
Distance between Hildesheim and Ludwigshafen
Distance between Hildesheim and Oldenburg
Distance between Hildesheim and Leverkusen
Distance between Hildesheim and Potsdam
Distance between Hildesheim and Oberhausen
Distance between Hildesheim and Magdeburg (142.31Km by road, 113.63Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Wuppertal
Distance between Hildesheim and Bielefeld
Distance between Hildesheim and Bonn
Distance between Hildesheim and Mannheim
Distance between Hildesheim and Karlsruhe
Distance between Hildesheim and Münster (229.73Km by road, 161.06Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Wiesbaden
Distance between Hildesheim and Gelsenkirchen
Distance between Hildesheim and Mönchengladbach
Distance between Hildesheim and Augsburg
Distance between Hildesheim and Aachen
Distance between Hildesheim and Chemnitz
Distance between Hildesheim and Braunschweig
Distance between Hildesheim and Krefeld
Distance between Hildesheim and Kiel (272.74Km by road, 241.65Km by air)
Distance between Hildesheim and Halle